-BC- 16MR -TI- Manuscript Releases Volume Sixteen -CN- 1190 -CT- A Vision Received in Oswego, New York, January 26, 1850 -PR- 02 -PG- 35 -TEXT- I then saw the holy city, and that we should rest in the city through the 1,000 years, and reign as kings and priests unto God. Then Jesus will descend upon the Mount of Olives, and the mount will part asunder and become a mighty plain for the Paradise of God to rest upon. The rest of the earth will not be cleansed until the wicked dead are raised and come up around the city at the end of the 1,000 years. Then fire will come down from God out of heaven and devour them, burn them up root and branch. Satan is the root, and his children are the branches. Then the same fire that will devour the wicked will purify the earth. I saw that the feet of the wicked would never desecrate the earth made new. All the immortality we now have is by faith in hope of immortality at the appearing of Christ.--Ms 4, 1850.
White Estate, Washington, D. C. May 1, 1986. Entire Manuscript.
(Below I have rearranged or edited slightly, with the bulk of the very same words, so as to me to make sense.)
-BC- 16MR -TI- Manuscript Releases Volume Sixteen -CN- 1190 -CT- A Vision Received in Oswego, New York, January 26, 1850 -PR- 02 -PG- 35
Rearrangement is in the first paragraph only With Holy Name Edits
I saw Yahshua & the holy city will descend upon the Mount of Olives, and the mount will part asunder and become a mighty plain for the Paradise of Yahweh to rest upon, and then that we should rest in the city through the 1,000 years, and reign as kings and priests unto Yahweh.
The rest of the earth will not be cleansed until the wicked dead are raised and come up around the city at the end of the 1,000 years. Then fire will come down from Yahweh out of heaven and devour them, burn them up root and branch. Satan is the root, and his children are the branches. Then the same fire that will devour the wicked will purify the earth. I saw that the feet of the wicked would never desecrate the earth made new. All the immortality we now have is by faith in hope of immortality at the appearing of Yahshua our Messiah.--Ms 4, 1850--rearranged by Lenny Bratcher
-TI- Sermons and Talks Volume One
-CT- Keep the Commandments
-PR- 03
-PG- 237
How careful we are with all our property. You are very careful
to keep all the laws of the land, and to see that your deeds are
made right. Be as careful that you get a deed [the following two
lines have been over-typed and are not readable]. Those who have
been careless regarding the law will
lose heaven. We do not want to lose the place in the world that is to be
purified--Abraham's farm.